Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Rain Rain… Come again another day!

If anyone says anything against rain, I am usually the first one to go fight them! To me, rain is precious! I would argue that, if you are in south India, you better get used to rains, rather learn to welcome and enjoy the rains, after all this is a tropical country!

As a child, I never could venture into rain! But, I made it a point to enjoy every rainy season after my childhood days!  There were days, we travelled for about twenty kilometers in a two wheeler just to enjoy the rain and get drenched! It is a  lot more fun to shake a tree after heavy rains to get wet by the raindrops from the leaves! If we could go to the water falls when it rains, it is heaven on earth! After all the rain adventures, if we could settle down with a favorite book and something to munch on, it is a bliss! This has been my view about rain in general.

Even as a child, I hated the "rain, rain...." rhyme. If little Johnny wants to play, he better plays in rain is what I said. Except for sewage, water is beautiful in  any form I felt! I never thought, I would wish the rain to stop! For the first time in my life, I felt it is better for the rain to stop!  Hmmm… this is an interesting year! In 2015, there were several "first time in life" situations, and I reacted, oh I never thought I will do it this way!

One whole month of rains and 49 cm in one day made me think, oh that is good enough, please stop!  It poured out as if clouds had a mandate to give us all the rain they forgot to give in the past five years or so! Or as if, some one cut open the clouds and there was no way to close them back! We forgot that there is such a thing called Sun and earth revolves around it. Our day revolved around rain and the call trees! I am grateful that the mobile network worked and we could reach all the members of the team and family to check if they are safe!!

Night has set in! It is  quiet outside! Is it after the storm or before yet another one? Will I dare to say Rain, Rain Go away?!?!

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