Monday, May 20, 2019

To Be or Not To Be - Continued…

This is a continuation of my earlier article on whether to extend life with medical support or not. Recently I witnessed such an extensive effort by a family to bring back their father after a long struggle.  The father lost his ability to remember any short-term past. Many of the vital life parameters were not stable. Sure, money was not a constraint but everything else was! Obviously the others in the family had their job to go to, other needs to attend to (such as their children or spouses etc.)!! But with their relentless effort, the father is back home after about seven months of hospitalization!

I was thinking deeply about this episode. It was literally like the Satyavan Savitri story in Indian epics; the family fought with Yama (the God of death) and brought back the father. This has resulted in two important outcomes in addition to reviving the father I think.

Confidence to the elderly: All elders in the surrounding now know that the children will take care of them in the old age. The care exhibited by the sons is so touching. Of course most of us love our parents. But it takes more courage and determination than just love to withstand the pressure for seven months without knowing what will happen, with people suggesting to take shortcuts, with pressure of other dimensions of life. I salute the sons and the mother for this huge effort.

A great lesson to the next generation: All children (in all ages) have witnessed how to take care of an ailing father without complaining about personal difficulties, how not to lose hope at any point time, how to support each other in times of difficulties.

There is humanity left in the world still looks like!! I guess, we should spread these stories around instead of spreading stories about unsupported parents, children not calling parents etc.!!  While I still think that no one should spend such heroic effort to keep me alive, if I get into the situation of the father, I strongly believe that the family has brought back confidence in many lives! Living a grand life is all about just that - giving confidence to others… and this family has shown how to live life to its grandeur… 

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